Many hardware names are usually named after the chip model, and each chip model has its own dedicated driver, so as long as you know the chip model used by the hardware, you can find the right driver. For example, if your graphics card is named: "AMD Radeon RX 580X", while actually the core chip model used is: "Radeon RX 580X", then enter "Radeon RX 580" or "RX 580X" to find the driver.
If you have a laptop or an all-in-one PC, you can also use the product name to search, and then go to the download page which has all the drivers for this machine (including: graphics card, network card, sound card, etc.). For example, if your laptop product name is: "Dell A6-9220e Inspiron Flagship", then type "Dell A6-9220e" to find all the drivers for this laptop.
This site is dedicated to solving various problems encountered in the process of using computers.
People often encounter various problems in the process of using the computer, such as: the operating system is damaged by viruses, the driver files are lost, the hard disk is damaged to cause the data to be lost, and so on...
When there is a problem with your computer, please don't rush to reinstall the system, because it will not only consume a lot of your time, but even result in losing some personal data. You can try to solve the problem by using various download resources provided by this site. To the problem that is difficult to solve, you can tell us that we will answer your question as soon as possible.